Additional managing director for b4value.net
Jens Fiege joins Dieter Keller and Harald Ross as third member of the management board
After acquiring a majority stake in b4value.net GmbH, DATEV eG has appointed another managing director for the network specialist. Once the transaction has been completed, Jens Fiege, previously Product Owner for Business IT & Internal Workstreams at DATEV, will join Dieter Keller and Harald Ross on the management board of b4value.net from June 1, 2024. Jens Fiege started his career as a sales consultant and project manager in 2007. After further positions, including as head of department in the field service, he moved on to the role of project manager in the finance department at the end of 2018. Since mid-2021, he has been responsible for the Business IT & Internal Workstreams division, for which he formulated and implemented a new integrated strategy.
At the beginning of March, both companies announced that in a first step, DATEV Beteiligungen GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of DATEV eG, would acquire a qualified majority of 75 per cent with economic effect from January 1, 2024. The agreement stipulates that DATEV Beteiligungen GmbH will acquire the remaining 25 per cent after three years and that DATEV will then be the sole shareholder.
Even after the majority takeover by DATEV, b4value.net will continue to offer its own service portfolio as a legally independent company. The co-operative DATEV, known for its economic stability and reliability, also stands for the long-term existence and reliability of b4value.net and the TRAFFIQX® network. b4value.net will continue to make the TRAFFIQX® network available to interested market participants without any restrictions. The acquisition will not lead to any changes for the customers, network partners, or employees of b4value.net.
For DATEV, the acquisition is an investment in the future requirements of digitally transformed companies. The IT service provider intends to benefit from b4value.net’s infrastructure, particularly regarding the mandatory e-invoicing in Germany and the reporting obligation for tax-relevant invoice data which is expected at a later point in time.